
Portland State University Tactile Map

PSU Tactile Map at final location
The Portland State University tactile map is approximately 3 feet by 4 feet wide. It sits at an angle on a height adjustable table to allow ease of access for as many users as possible. A large, high contrast map of the Portland State University campus rests beneath clear acrylic sheets with tactile etchings. The majority of this map was created from one SVG file that was used for laser cutting, vinyl cutting, 3D printing, and more. Key features include:
  • Relative height of buildings
  • High contrast print and braille labels for streets and buildings
  • Transit stops
  • Green areas, pedestrian areas, city streets, and freeways
  • Large print and braille map key with QR code linked to online information
You can read more about the map on the Portland State University website.
PSU map prototype swatch showing streets, buildings, transit lines and stops
Etched acrylic sheet used for base layer of PSU map
Laser cut and etched acrylic base pieces and building pieces
PSU Tactile Map. Final assembly in PSU workshop

Manhattan Project National Historical Park - Hanford, Washington

The Manhattan Project National Historic Park in Hanford, Washington offers visitors an up-close look at the US facilities used to produce plutonium during World War II. The Hanford Park has been working diligently to make all aspects of their park accessible. The park offers an audio described tour to provide blind visitors with detailed information about the site. The park also has a magnetic poetry wall with print and braille words that users can interact with and explore. The park's accessibility efforts are on-going, so check back to see what new amenities have been added!The Hanford site's poster-size 3D tactile map complements their accessibility offerings by providing blind visitors with the information they'll need to independently explore the facilities. The map shows the path of travel for all 3 tour routes. Along the routes, points of interest are marked with yellow cylinder symbols. Key areas of the site are raised up above all the other map elements, so they can quickly be located and identified. Braille labels are provided for each area of the map, and high contrast colors were used to make the map easily readable for a variety of users.
3D, high contrast map of nuclear site with braille labels
Close up of golden Reactor room on tactile map
Close up of purple Valve Pit room on tactile map

Fort Vancouver National Historic Site - Mobility Matters 2021

These 4 tactile maps were created for a virtual-tour of spaces at Fort Vancouver, a historical site in Vancouver, Washington. The tour will be led by teachers from the Washington State School for the Blind, will be shared with attendees across United States as a part of the Mobility Matters Conference. Over 200 maps were printed and mailed to attendees, and anyone can print their own with these files.The maps include tactile representations of the important features in each area. The tactile symbols are designed to be easily located and distinguished by blind learners.Mobility Matters 2021 is hosted by Portland State University's Orientation & Mobility (O&M) and Visually Impaired Learning (VIL) Programs, supported by the American Printing House for the Blind, the National Park Service, and the Portland State University Digital City Testbed Center.
Blacksmith shop tactile map with visitor area, anvils, forges, and more.
Bakehouse tactile map with ovens, tiles, stairs, tables, and more.
Fur Store tactile map with visitor area, wagon, fur bales, and more.
Garden tactile map with palisade wall, pathway, garden beds, and more.
Detail of ovens and tile on bakehouse tactile map
Detail of fur bales in fur store
Detail of stairs, door, and arrow north on blacksmith map.
Detail of bench and tree symbols between garden beds on garden map.

Interactive Tactile Maps

While working on research into interactive 3D printed models, I created a series of interactive tactile maps. Using the Markit and Talkit applications and a mobile device, these maps read annotations aloud to the user as they explore the map. The annotations are triggered by the user's finger, which is tracked using a red sticker, and the user can interact with the app verbally to access additional information about the various areas of interest on each map. 
Multicolor folding, tactile mobility map of Bridgeport Village
Multi-color tactile map of Oregon Commission for the Blind office building
Multicolor folding, tactile mobility map. Outside Oregon Commission for the Blind
2 multicolor, folding tactile maps of the Portland State University campus

Mobility Matters 2019

For the Mobility Matters 2019 conference, I made a collection of maps for the day's activities. An interactive floor plan map of the conference area doubled as a conference schedule, with sessions detailed for each room. Another interactive map was used to explore the PSU library , with important features and amenities labeled. A series of small travel maps were also created to assist users in navigating downtown Portland as a part of the day's events.
2 multicolor tactile maps of Millar Library second floor
Multicolor tactile map. 3rd floor of Smith Memorial Student Union
1 of 4 Tactile mobility map of downtown Portland.
3 of 4 Tactile mobility map of downtown Portland.
4 of 4 Tactile mobility map of downtown Portland.
2 of 4 Tactile mobility map of downtown Portland.

Native American Tribes of Oregon Terrain Map Puzzle

This 19-piece topographical map roughly shows where various Native American tribes lived in what is now the state of Oregon. The puzzle pieces were printed in different colors according to the ecological region. This was used by an elementary school class studying Oregon's indigenous peoples.
Top-down photo of Oregon puzzle map in 4 different colors
Side view Oregon puzzle map to better show tall peaks and elevation.

Portland Community College Maps

These Portland Community College campus maps are small and ready to throw in your bag. The pictures below are some final prototypes, but these were eventually printed with 4 high-contrast colors to make the paths and print easier to read. The folding Sylvania map has stairs, doors, and elevators marked with tactile symbols. A QR-code sticker adhered to the back, sends users to the PCC Access Map for additional campus and building information.
Portland Community College Sylvania campus tactile map with braille
Portland Community College Rock Creek campus tactile map with braille